These are some of the issues he addresses (they are mostly social issues which is why it's such an entertaining book) I just picked random ones but there are alot more other interesting ones.
- Smoking is actually beneficial to both the smoker and society more than we think. The benefits are understated while the costs or in other words the risk/health factor are overstated. Some people smoke too little! (WTF right?)
- Organ conscription or a market for organs would perhaps be very cost-beneficial in stimulating our economy just as much as it could save a life... (Let's go organ digging at the cemetary right now and make it an efficient crime puhaha.)
- We all actually set a dollar value amount for lives even though we (well you who hasn't read it yet) don't want to believe it.
- America has one of the highest pharmaceutical drug prices, (obviously this directly affects people like me with no insurance lmao) but while we may be unhappy with high drug prices, they may be the only thing spurring on and giving physicians in new drug research.
- There is a benefit to society if people die young.
Anyways, I am beginning a project here on my blog for many reasons. One, to continue practicing and exercising my writing skills since I am not in an English class right now. Two, to expand my vocabulary. Three, for my own personal study mechanism. And four, to share all my academic knowledge I learned from my classes, research, books to my friends because I find all my three classes this quarter to actually be relevant in our real lives and just because I'm learning so many cool and interesting facts haha.
Ok the project is simple actually haha. One vocabulary word/term that I never knew, every other post! But it must be relative to what I am learning in my one of my classes. =)
Moral nihilism: Also known as ethical nihilism, is the meta-ethical view that morality does not exist; therefore no action is preferable to any other. For example, a moral nihilist would say that killing someone, for whatever reason, is not inherently right or wrong. (Wikipedia)
I chose this word, nihilism, because like I said the author covers very sticky/controversial issues and makes some daring and I say DARING statements! All of which he concocted up because he was able to set aside ideology, ethics, and morals to see the cost-benefit gains of social issues such as smoking. But nihilism is a broad word with many meanings for instance I think it can also be synonymous for anarchy but instead of being associated with law and government nihilism is like a moral/philosophical version of anarchy lol. I am so confusing. I'm sorry. I like words.
I enjoy being a nerd.
Anyhow. Tonight is going to be my last all night-er. I am never doing this again too unhealthy!